Individuals Who Are The Most Susceptible To Undue Influence

Estate planning is a critical step in protecting the assets you have worked hard to accumulate and safeguarding those assets for future generations. Unfortunately, there are those who may take undue advantage of vulnerable individuals in estate planning matters.
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to recognize undue influence until it is too late. However, those who exert undue influence usually prey on a few categories of people who are most susceptible to being manipulated and persuaded.
If you suspect that your loved one was subjected to undue influence when preparing an estate plan, do not hesitate to contact our experienced lawyer at Mark R. Manceri, P.A. Our Pompano Beach undue influence lawyer can help you take legal action to stop the bad influencer or contest the validity of estate planning documents created as a result of undue influence.
3 Types of Individuals Who Are the Most Susceptible to Undue Influence
It is important to know who is most susceptible to this type of influence so that you can be on the lookout if you or a loved one are at risk.
Disabled Individuals with Memory/Health Problems
Individuals who suffer from physical or mental disabilities may be particularly vulnerable when it comes to estate planning matters due to memory loss, confusion, or a lack of understanding. This makes them easy targets for unscrupulous individuals who may attempt to take advantage of the situation by pressuring them into making decisions that are not in their best interests. It is important for family members and other loved ones to keep an eye out for any signs that this might be happening and intervene as quickly as possible if necessary.
Individuals Isolated from Their Families
Individuals who are isolated from their families due to distance or any other reason may also be more susceptible to undue influence in estate planning matters. If family members are not regularly checking in with their loved ones, it can make it easier for someone else to take advantage of the situation and try to manipulate them into making decisions they wouldn’t otherwise make. It’s important for friends, neighbors, and other trusted acquaintances to look out for signs of potential undue influence in these types of situations.
Senior Citizens
Elderly individuals may be more likely than younger adults to fall prey to undue influence due to their advanced age and potential cognitive decline. Causes of cognitive impairments in older adults include but are not limited to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, medication side effects, metabolic/endocrine derangements, and others, according to the National Institute on Aging.
They may also have trouble recognizing warning signs that could indicate someone is attempting to manipulate them. It’s important for family members, caregivers, and close friends of seniors to pay close attention during estate planning meetings and look out for any signs of potential manipulation or coercion by outside parties.
Individuals suffering from depression or anxiety and those mourning the loss of a loved one are also likely to fall prey to undue influence when drafting a Last Will and Testament or creating other estate planning documents.
Get Legal Help if You Suspect Undue Influence
As you can see, there are certain individuals who may be more prone than others when it comes to being manipulated during estate planning matters. It is important that family members and close friends keep an eye out for signs of potential manipulation so they can intervene quickly if necessary. By being aware of these risks, we can ensure that our loved ones’ estates remain protected from undue influence now and into the future.
If you suspect that undue influence may be an issue with your loved one’s estate plan, contact our lawyer at Mark R. Manceri, P.A., to get immediate legal help. Call 954-491-7099 to set up a consultation.